Certified Master Coach Program



The Certified Master Coach (CMC) training program, is designed to elevate coaches to coach at the mastery level. Participants will learn and master the art & science of SHIFT Coaching. Graduating student's will be awarded the credential "Certified Master Coach" and will meet the coach specific training hours needed for the ICF PCC credentialing process through the ACTP track. Participants must have completed 60 hours of coach-specific training from ICF approved providers or equivalent to enroll in this program. If you do not have 60 hours of coach training yet, the Certified Master Performance Coach program will provide you with the hours.

Program Approach & Methodology


Vision: To produce competent coaches who observes the ICF Ethical Standards and Guideline and who delivers professional coaching services to clients at the highest level.

Coaching Philosophy

Our program's design with contents are influenced by the ICF 11 core competencies and principles found in Appreciative Inquiry, Positive Psychology, VIA Strengths research, Neuroscience research models and Solution-Focused methodology.

JMC Training System

Program Goal

  • To produce coaches who coach at the mastery level
  • To internalize the coaching process through more hands-on coaching practicum sessions
  • To shift from transactional to transformational coaching
Target Participants

  • Participants targeting to be certified at the ICF PCC level
  • Coaches who needs re-certification hours for ACC, PCC, MCC
  • Organizations who wants to develop highly competent internal coaches
Entrance Requirement:

Applicants must have completed a minimum of 60 hours of ICF Coach Specific Training such as from the Certified Master Performance Coach program or equivalent.


The Coaching Direction

  • Power of STAR Coaching
  • Elevating strengths and traits
  • Transforming thinking and mindsets
  • Strengthening alignment to vision & values
  • & more

Coaching Agreement

  • Five Mastery Areas
  • Identifying the real session outcome
  • Clarifying success indicators
  • Uncovering true meaning & purpose
  • & more

Building Trust & Intimacy

  • Three Mastery Areas
  • Identifying and reflecting client's greatness
  • Clarifying and championing aspirations
  • Empowering full expression tips
  • & more

Coaching Presence

  • Eight Mastery Areas
  • Responding to the "Who" and the "What"
  • Displaying R.O.E behaviors
  • Harnessing the secret of the big "C"
  •  & more

Active Listening

  • Eight Mastery Areas
  • "Dancing with the client" techniques
  • Detecting trigger words
  • Listening for the "Unsaid"
  • & more

Powerful Questions

  • Seven Mastery Area
  • Designing transformational questions
  • Reframing techniques
  • Going deep- Three "C" inquiry process
  • & more

Direct Communication

  • Six Mastery Areas
  • Harnessing & tapping on coach's intuition
  • Bottoming Lining
  • Reflecting and mirroring techniques
  • & more

Creating Awareness

  • Five Mastery Areas
  • Identifying blind spots
  • Uncovering the "hidden"
  • Discovering the "obvious" - DUH
  • & more

Designing Actions

  • Three Mastery Areas
  • Designing "Being & Thinking" actions
  • Getting committment- 2 Powerful Clarifiers
  • Do's and Don'ts
  • & more

Planning & Goal Setting

Progress & Accountability

  • Three Mastery Areas
  • Identifying 3 common derailers
  • Getting higher accountability tips
  • Powerful session closing techniques
  • & more

Coach Mentoring

Coaching Research/ Self-Study

Client Coaching Practicum

Final Oral Assessment

Training Approach

Fun, Experiential and Accelerated Learning Techniques, Group Discussions, Games, Adult Learning Activities, Coaching Practicum, Feedback from ICF Master Certified Coach.

Coach-Specific Training Hours

Certified Master Performance Coach (60 hours)
Certified Master Coach                      
  • Core Competencies                             30 hours
  • Coaching Tools                                      8 hours
  • Coach Mentoring                                 10 hours
  • 1-1 Coaching                                       14 hours
  • Research & Self-Study                        13 hours
  • Total CMC Hours                                75 hours
  • Total CMPC + CMC hours                135 hours
Graduate Benefits

  • Join JMC Coach Mastery's team of associate coaches
  • Licensed to use C.O.A.Ch Software to support your practice
  • Receive assignments from time-to-time.
Program's Instructor

Wai K  


Delivery Mode

Face-to-Face (on site) in English

Tuition Fees Payment Policy

  • 10% deposit payable upon registration.
  • Balance 90% payment payable on the first day of the program.
Withdrawal and Refund Policy

  • Deposits and prepayments will be refunded in full if the withdrawal notice given is more than 60 days
  • If withdrawal notice is less that 60 days, 10% of the course fees will be charged.
  • All deposits and payments may be transferred to future workshops if participants are unable to attend with no forfeiture (but not refundable after the notice period).

Why become an ICF Professional Certified Coach?

PCC Application Requirements (Summary):
  • (Fulfilled through CMPC & CMC program)
  • (10 hours included in the CMC program)
  • (Accumulated at applicant's own pace. No time limit)
  • (Submit 1 recorded session to be assessed- ACTP )
  • (Applicants only pay USD300 through ACTP path)
  • (If applicant have not sat for the ACC assessment)
Graduate Benefits
  • Be an Associate Coach with JMC
  • Licensed to use C.O.A.Ch Software
  • Receive assignments from time-to-time.


What some graduates say about the program?
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Kiran Altaf

"I had heard a good deal about Wai K and how his training program does wonders; after having attended his program, I feel what I had heard was not enough!

My experience has been two pronged; as a participant of the program as well as the training organizer for my company. In both capacities, I have yet to experience a program better than this one. As a participant, aspiring to get certified as a Coach from ICF, I was initially overwhelmed with the amount of content that Wai K had laid out. My apprehension was overload of information and ending up unable to put only a little bit of it in to practice. I was wrong to my relief and disbelief. The curriculum has been designed and was paced in a manner that it allowed participants to sail through it, with right amount of practicing and appropriately scheduled recapitulation exercises.

Not to forget the disciplined fashion that Wai K follows to unroll the concepts, tools and techniques, ensuring inclusion of each participant and encouraging them to contribute & actively participate. Another unique feature of this program is the self-reflection that participants experience while practicing, it has been a journey of self-awareness for me, and I could safely say that for each participant.

As Trainings Head, I absolutely enjoyed working and interacting with Wai K, he is a thorough professional who is laser focused and committed to get future coaches to learn. To me, this is one of the best investments that my company has made in terms of people development, without a doubt. I strongly recommend this Coaching Certification Pragram to all aspiring coaches!"

Kiran Altaf, (Corporate Training & Learning Manager)
Nestle Pakistan,

Michael Oh Hong Choon

"I had the honour to join the maiden powerful Certified Master Coach (CMC) program conducted by Wai K, which enabled the participants to take home deep and wide personal insights on the mastery skills on high performance coaching, executive coaching, group coaching, the PCC and MCC markers for the ICF Accredition, Coach Mentoring, Peer Coaching Practicum and several coaching gems and diamonds to prepare participants for their PCC and MCC certification. I have attended several coaching programs before this and I would rank this as among the best! It was definitely an amazing course beyond my wildest dreams. The brilliant response of my fellow coaches to this esteemed program testifies to the valuable rich course material, colourful slide presentation, the facilitator's wisdom and expertise in giving instant verbal advice and masterful questions on all subject matters under deliberation during the six-day program. I can sense the pride of all of us in the room to attend such a unique mastery in this coaching program which is rated far above and miles ahead of the competition under the tutelage of a truly great grand master coach and trainer, Wai K. I have no reservation to recommend to anyone and if it is your dream to achieve greatness in coaching, look no further than Wai K's program.

Michael Oh Hong Choon, Founder & CEO,

Frank Drew

"The entire workshop was a rewarding experience from both the professional and personal perspective for me. As a result of this training I now think completely differently about the whole idea of people needing to have ownership of their own issues rather than us feeling like we have to be solution providers. I have been working the last two years on developing my listening skills because I had an instinct that this is what people want most from us in any conversation, but your coaching session has enabled me to go to a whole new level in all my communications. The workshop has therefore definitely resulted in powerful positive change for me. Already I am finding that I have to check myself way less often than ever before for coming up with an "answer" in my head to address the other person's issue, or feeling like I need to steer things in a certain direction to guarantee that there is a result by the end of the session. So the whole idea of "change happens now" even if it is a baby step for the other person means that our exchange together was valuable is something I always keep in mind. Thanks for the wisdom - and your patience with all of us."

Frank Drew
Asia Group Exercise Manager
Asia Star Guest Champion


"The CMPC program by far exceeded my expectations. As a psychologist, I have attended many workshops, conferences and continued education programs; this training is of a mastery standard. The coaching process taught in this program has brought me powerful life changing insights, a new awareness of the human psyche and has taken my skills to a higher level.
The training agenda flowed smoothly from one topic to the other with a focus on discussion and input from the participants. The most successful achievement in my opinion was the facilitator's expert ability to create a safe environment for the participants to bond, have fun, share ideas, insights and valuable personal experience which was highly conducive to learning. I highly recommend this program to anyone interested in connecting in an authentic manner with fellow human beings, whether professionally or personally."

Olivia Olhen,
Clinical & Corporate Psychologist/Coach

Brian Tyebileyo

Wai K, Thank you for the life changing experience, it was indeed a real mindset shift for me, not so many moments in one's life can one truly change one's perspective about things like the Master Coaching training we had with your assistance. The training really unleashed something in me which I never realized I had, the power to change lives through open conversations and for that I am truly grateful.
Your techniques of sharing information have really taught me something new, not so many facilitators can effectively share without a presentation of some sort but still make so much impact. The program has taught me the power of being humble yet powerful in mind and soul. I am really looking forward to this coaching journey of a million miles and it started the day I walked in to your class. I'm more than glad to share any of our coaching moments, hope that will inspire others to take up this challenge.

Brian Tyebileyo,

Sulynn Choong

The CMPC program is an amazing learning experience - FUN and enlightening! Wai K Leong masterfully coaches the class in the discipline and art of coaching. Never a dull moment - poignant short films, games, energizer breaks, spirited discussions, mindful reflection peppered with light moments, buddy coaching sessions - all draw hidden wisdom and awareness from within each participant. The camaraderie in class is testament to Wai K's inimitable skills in fostering trust and rapport, creating a safe environment for skills building. Best program I have attended in a long while! And the post-program support and alumni community are a big PLUS. Highly recommended for all aspiring coaches!

Sulynn Choong (Masters of Applied Positive Psychology)
Positive Change Consultant/Coach, Human Capital Perspectives Sdn Bhd

Yim Chow Choon

"You are reading this because somewhere inside you, there is resonance with the concept of Coaching. Whether you are a successful corporate manager looking at using coaching as a springboard to get more from your associates willingly, or someone looking at pursuing coaching as a career, this program will more than meet your needs and expectation - no matter how high, as it did with mine. Using an inside out, highly hands-on and experiential learning methodology, Coach Extraordinaire, Wai K, has successful "educed" the best in me and made them blossom - something which only the very best coaches can do. Through walking the talk and being a coach, Wai K helped me to achieve an early breakthrough and installed some of most critical mindset and skill set required for success in coaching.. The program was a great SUCCESS - an acronym for Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Caring, Emotional and Satisfying. I recommend it without hesitation to anyone who wants to really master the science and art of coaching."
Thanks Wai K for being a coach extraordinaire.. You showed us the "way"and the threshold to strive. I am glad to be under your tutorage... and will from hereon bragged that you are my Sifu...

Yim Chow Choon (Principal)
Coach/ Author/Trainer, Puncak Jupiter Management Services

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